Trying To Get Some Positivity :)

So after my first entry, I felt a little better having got it all out. 

I had a little moan to my husband about him not being supportive blah blah blah, he was apologetic but he always is, he promises to do better this cycle, but he always says those things, but nothing ever changes… so feel a bit sad about that. I’m conscious of making him out to be a horrible husband, he really isn’t, in fact he is great but he just doesn’t know how to support me with this in particular. 

I’m on cycle day 2 today, so feeling like poo really. However, I’m determined to be positive, so I have been ordered myself some Vitex and softcups (will post links to explain what the hell these are!) that I will try this month. Also, I am going to try and do ‘it’ every other day or 2 throughout my cycle, even after ovulation. Previous cycles we have tried the Sperm Meets Egg Plan, but hasn’t worked. Info below. 

Will keep this updated as much as I can. Hope you are having nice days. 

S xXz 

Vitex Information

Softcups as a fertility aid

Sperm Meets Egg Plan explained

Losing Hope & Feeling Alone

First and foremost I’d like to introduce myself. I am 29 years old and have been married for over a year now and trying to conceive since February this year making this my 7th month of active trying for our first baby.

I don’t drink, gave up smoking way before we started to try for a baby. Have been taking pre natal vitamins since January. Husband’s sperm count is fine. I have not had any tests done as of yet. 

Now you have a little background, let me me explain why I decided to write this blog. I woke up feeling very hopeful, you see, i’m currently 14 days past my ovulation day which is apparently when 97% of women can trust the test result on a home pregnancy test. I’ve been pregnancy symptom spotting for the last 2 weeks, so when I woke up feeling nauseas I felt happy and hopeful. Well low and behold, using my First morning urine I peed on a stick. Needless to say, it was a Big Fat Negative. 

My heart sank, and I crawled back into bed and cried. I just had an overwhelming sense of being alone, I honestly didn’t know who to turn to, I wanted to tell someone how heartbroken I was, how disappointed and anxious I was about never falling pregnant. How next month I need to try something different. 

I was not able to tell anyone apart from my husband when he came home for lunch. I am lucky I have him, but he doesn’t really get involved with all things trying to conceive, such as ovulation tests, temping, vitamins, timing it right etc etc. I moan at him for not asking me how I am feeling, or trying to be more active in his support, but he takes no notice. For him he just has to do ‘it’ when I tell him to and that’s his part done. For me its a whole lot more, and I don’t think he understands that. 

I would normally talk to my sisters about this sort of thing, I have 4, 2 of which live in London who I am not close to, and another 2 who live close by who are my best friends. The problem is they are both pregnant. One is currently 3 days past her due date with her 3rd baby, and the other is 5 months pregnant with her first. Did they struggle to get pregnant? 

The one who is past her due date gets pregnant with 1 try, and when I say 1 try I mean that, not one month/cycle 1 try!! With all three of her children, it took her 1 go. 

My other sister who is 5 months pg, it took her 2 months. So how do I talk to them when I know for certain that they do not understand me. It is certainly something that I never thought I’d go through, don’t get me wrong, I know in the grand scheme of things we haven’t been trying that long. However the emotional strain of trying to conceive is something I feel is quite taboo, people don’t tend to talk about it.

I have an overwhelming sense of loneliness that I have never felt before. I know there must be hundreds of women out there that are feeling the same, so I hope that my blog will help people realise that they are not alone. In later entries I will probably go into the technicalities of cycle days, etc. So I hope you will follow me on my journey until I get my positive pregnancy test. 

Please feel free to message me if you need anyone to talk to, I would love to hear from ladies who are going through a similar experience. 

Lots of love 

S xXx